Monday, September 6, 2010

Cincy Museum Exhibit Supports Life Lessons

Exhibit Supports Life Lessons—Go Now!
“Be a problem solver” is my never-ending mantra around our house. I am hoping if I chant it every day relentlessly my young sons will find their own shoes, take out the garbage can when it is full, and grow to become engaged and productive citizens.

Cincinnati Museum Center’s new exhibit, America I AM, helps me reinforce this message. It is chocked full of priceless historic objects—an original copy of the Declaration of Independence; a signed copy of the 13th Amendment—that demonstrate how various people in American history have stepped up to solve a problem, right a wrong and build a better community

The best example of the “be a problem solver” message that resonates with my children is Garret Morgan’s prototype of the stop light. On a Cleveland, Ohio street in the early 1900’s, Mr. Morgan witnessed the collision of a car and a horse-drawn carriage and set to work to solve this dangerous situation. He began developing a traffic light, and applied for, and acquired one of the first US patents for a traffic signal in 1923. He later sold this patent to General Electric. Morgan’s hand-cranked signal was used throughout North America and Great Britain until it was replaced with the automatic green-yellow-red lights we know today.

Garrett Morgan Bio link

This notable example is just one of many ways Garret Morgan solved problems that have positively impacted our world. He is also patented the Morgan Safety Hood and Smoke Protector that became the gas mask used across the battlefields of World War I, and in mining and industrial settings beyond.

Go see the exhibit America I AM: The African American Imprint at Cincinnati Museum Center soon. This teaching moment leaves town January 2. There are many examples like this one that show our children how to be inventive, how to be creative, how to be courageous, how to be tolerant, and most importantly how to be problem solvers and engaged citizens for our future.

(photo credit to Mark Bowen/Cincinnati Museum Center)

Tickets are $12 adults; $8 kids.  CMC members $8 adults; $5 kids. 
TEACHERS--Book this for your classroom at $5 per student.   Call 513/287-7021 to make reservation.

America I AM Web site

Cincinnati Museum Center

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