Monday, August 9, 2010

Chicago Children's Museum

Chicago Children's Museum is awesome! I can say this without hesitation as a former employee and fundraiser for this incredible community resource. One of the best experiences of my professional career was to be part of moving Chicago Children's Museum from North Pier (20,000 sf) to Navy Pier (60,000 sf). The staff is wonderful and the whole place is about the connection between learning and play.

G stands with Suchomimus, brought to Chicago Children's Museum by the rock star paleontologist Paul Sereno, PhD and team. She looks at G and says, 'yum, you are a tasty morsel'

Also in this post you see him digging for Suchomimus in an exhibit that recreates Sereno and team's dig in Northern Africa in 1997. He loved it!!

The three story climbing schooner is also a favorite. I've done it in heels and a party dress! Kids walk onto the schooner, can climb below into the hull and see Great Lakes fish, then climb the mast to the bird's nest and the rigging floating above the stairs. They are terrified at certain points, but in that really good way that builds confidence, and come bounding off the plank with an incredible smile. "Let's do it again!"

I loved this display in the offices of Chicago Children's Museum--its the CCM staff art show. The creativity and energy of this staff is boundless. You see it in the outreach to the community, in the programs and interactions on the floor of the museum and in the passion of the staff to move the organization forward.

I was so very pleased to see my dear friends and former colleagues Jennifer Farrington, Elizabeth Lach, Catherine Brill, Tsivia Cohen and Elaine Bentley--in action.

The purpose of children's museums around the world is to inspire and channel curiosity shown from the crawling baby to the leaping seven year old to the grandmother who brings them to splash, build and create. This is where everyone's brain is engaged, regardless of your learning style. This is where everyone's heart swells. This is where the seed of life-long learning is planted.

I am incredibly thankful that my career started in a children's museum, and at Chicago Children's Museum in particular.
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1 comment:

  1. Awesome writeup E! And look at G fearlessly standing there within chomping distance of that Suchomimus!! :-D

    I'm going to be at Navy Pier in November for the Chicago Toy & Game Fair - already have the Chicago Children's Museum on the schedule while I'm there!

    Love it!
