Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cornel West & Tavis Smiley @ Cincinnati Museum Center July 31

Today in the life of MuseuMom, I welcomed Tavis Smiley & Cornel West, PhD, to Cincinnati Museum Center. They came to see the installation of the Declaration of Independence, one of 25 remaining copies of the Dunlop Broadsides printed on the night of July 4, 1776. This one is loaned to us by the Norman Lear Foundation. Tavis and Dr. West also came to talk about the background and impact of the exhibit America I AM: The African American Imprint.

Today is the kind of day museum folks love! We made history accessible and interesting to a whole bunch of visitors. We had noted and provocative intellectuals stirring it up inside our museum. We facilitated an insightful and inspiring conversation about the state of the world and community in which we live.

Today Cincinnati Museum Center did its job well to spark dialogue and curiousity and life-long learning.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My husband just asked, "Do you want to watch NCIS."

I replied, "I am creating a blog."

He asked, "for the family or for work?"

Herein lies the essence of most working moms these days, work and family are often co-mingled. Certainly in my life. I love being a museum professional and a mom. Each makes the other aspect of my life that much more interesting--and frustrating at times.

So, while looking for photo blogs to share news of the new exhibit The Art of Caring, I wound up working on my own blog.

Here's the promise I will make. I will share my experiences and thoughts as a mom who goes to museums and as a museum professional who's goal is to communicate with moms.

The purpose: Value and Support Museums, Take Your Kids, Teach them to be Life Long Learners.